
Lawn Service

Does your lawn look more like a weed patch than a lawn these days? Are you ready to give it a fresh start? Maybe you’re sick of staring at the field of weeds on the side of your house, or perhaps your flowerbeds need some help. The solution? Professional weed control. The type of weed

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Necrotic Ring Spot Fungus

Most people look forward to what springtime brings: sunshine, flowers, etc. Lawn care, on the other hand, might be a source of stress and frustration this spring—especially if your lawn develops a nasty disease over the winter. Some lawn diseases you’re probably seeing right now in Utah include snow molds, necrotic ring, and ascochyta. You’ll

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Necrotic Ring Spot Fungus

Necrotic ring spot fungus is a serious lawn disease that is spreading across Utah. Necrotic ring can develop in cool, wet weather, but the symptoms are more apparent in hot, dry weather. Identifying Necrotic Ring The disease looks like irregularly shaped rings of brown dying grass, but the center of the ring appears to be

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ascochyta fungus on grass

Ascochyta leaf blight is a lawn fungus that is active when temperatures turn hot after long periods of wet, cool weather. Because of the rain followed by days of increased temperatures, Ascochyta is prevalent this spring season. Identifying Ascochyta Lawns that develop ascochyta turn yellow and often have healthy green grass dispersed within the patches

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Tall Fescue

Summer is coming and more weeds are starting to grow. Learn how to identify the type of weeds growing in your yard, but more importantly, learn how to get rid of them. The life cycle of weeds and weed grasses varies. Weeds are split up into three categories based on how long they live: annual

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Think back to July. Did your lawn look brown while your neighbor’s looked emerald green? You can start to change that right now, this November. A green summer lawn actually starts months before, in the fall. You can set yourself up for a beautiful summer lawn by preparing in the autumn months. Here are some

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Cranberry girdler in dirt

Does your lawn look brown in spots—even though it gets the correct amount of water? Lawn grubs can cause uneven, splotchy yellow areas in your grass with green grass blades intermixed throughout. Three common Utah lawn grubs will be explained in this post: billbugs, white grubs, and cranberry girdler. Billbug Even though adult billbugs can

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Close-up of green lawn

Hot summer temperatures are here, and some lawns are turning brown. What are you supposed to do? Grubs could be the problem, but many times watering is the issue. Keep in mind the following points so your lawn will be ready for any outdoor activity. Watering Tips to Help Fix Your Yellow Lawn During the

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lawn mower on grass

One of the nicest parts of summertime is being able to go out in your own yard and relax on your nice, green lawn. Not only does a lawn provide a soft, safe space for you and your family to enjoy time outside and play or socialize, but it also helps maintain a lower temperature.

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