
Trees & Shrubs

pond with trees

Are the top branches of your tree starting to die? Are there small holes in the tree’s trunk? If your answer to these questions is yes, your tree has a borer problem. Borers are a type of insect that burrows into tree trunks and feeds on the inner layers. This causes major problems for trees,

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flowering tree

Autumn is the best time of year to plant trees—as long as they are planted early enough to allow the roots to establish themselves before winter. However, even more important than when you plant is the type of trees you choose to plant. Trees that are overplanted in neighborhoods start to develop diseases and pest

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Maple Leaves with Iron Chlorosis

Maple trees suffer from a variety of problems. They most commonly suffer from the following: Anthracnose Aphids Iron chlorosis Leaf spot Root rot Scale Sunscald Verticillium wilt Learn how to prevent these diseases and how to treat them if your tree is already struggling. Anthracnose Anthracnose is a leaf disease caused by various types of

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Are you wondering how to properly care for your tree? Or how to protect it from physical damage? Trees can easily be damaged by abrupt temperature changes, incorrect watering, and more. Learn how to prevent injury to your tree and what you can do to strengthen and properly care for your tree—even after it has

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Aspen Trees

Are your aspen trees struggling? Aspen trees are prone to many problems because of their soft bark. Use this guide to determine if your aspen tree has a common, treatable problem. Skip to a section: Iron chlorosis Sunscald Leaf spot Cytospora canker Powdery mildew Aspen borer Oyster shell scale Leaves Turning Yellow Too Soon? Iron

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Have you ever bitten into a worm in your apple or had a poor harvest because of diseases affecting your tree? Fruit trees in Utah suffer from a variety of problems. You’ll learn how to identify and prevent some of the most common fruit tree problems in this post: Cherry fruit fly Codling moth Shot

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Spring is around the corner, and tree buds are breaking. Now is the time to be aware of three common leaf diseases that can invade your trees: anthracnose, aspen leaf spot, and coryneum blight. Read this post to learn what these diseases look like and how to treat them. Anthracnose Tree Fungus Anthracnose is a

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