ascochyta fungus on grass

Ascochyta leaf blight is a lawn fungus that is active when temperatures turn hot after long periods of wet, cool weather. Because of the rain followed by days of increased temperatures, Ascochyta is prevalent this spring season. Identifying Ascochyta Lawns that develop ascochyta turn yellow and often have healthy green grass dispersed within the patches

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Tall Fescue

Summer is coming and more weeds are starting to grow. Learn how to identify the type of weeds growing in your yard, but more importantly, learn how to get rid of them. The life cycle of weeds and weed grasses varies. Weeds are split up into three categories based on how long they live: annual

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Spring is around the corner, and tree buds are breaking. Now is the time to be aware of three common leaf diseases that can invade your trees: anthracnose, aspen leaf spot, and coryneum blight. Read this post to learn what these diseases look like and how to treat them. Anthracnose Tree Fungus Anthracnose is a

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Stewart's manager holding award

On October 5, 2018, the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce presented an award to Stewarts at the Utah Valley Education Forum. Alena Sherman, Stewarts’ office manager, attended the ceremony and accepted the award for Stewarts. The forum celebrated business-education partnerships. Aspen Elementary nominated Stewarts because of the many hours Stewarts’ employees have volunteered at the

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Think back to July. Did your lawn look brown while your neighbor’s looked emerald green? You can start to change that right now, this November. A green summer lawn actually starts months before, in the fall. You can set yourself up for a beautiful summer lawn by preparing in the autumn months. Here are some

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Cranberry girdler in dirt

Does your lawn look brown in spots—even though it gets the correct amount of water? Lawn grubs can cause uneven, splotchy yellow areas in your grass with green grass blades intermixed throughout. Three common Utah lawn grubs will be explained in this post: billbugs, white grubs, and cranberry girdler. Billbug Even though adult billbugs can

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Close-up of green lawn

Hot summer temperatures are here, and some lawns are turning brown. What are you supposed to do? Grubs could be the problem, but many times watering is the issue. Keep in mind the following points so your lawn will be ready for any outdoor activity. Watering Tips to Help Fix Your Yellow Lawn During the

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The elm seed bug has come to stay for the summer. Native to Europe, this pest didn’t live in Utah 10 years ago. Over time it has become more and more common along the Wasatch Front and in Cache County. The insect gets its name from where it’s found and what it eats: seeds from

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tent caterpillar

Trees are a wonderful part of every yard. Not only do they provide shade and aesthetic value, but they literally save you money by reducing energy costs and improving the property value of your home! Sadly, you’re not the only creature that loves your trees. There are plenty of insects that are eager to burrow

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We often spend a lot of time focusing on our front yards—for good reason. Your front lawn is the first thing someone is going to see when they visit your home, and having an aesthetically pleasing front yard is the perfect way to make a great first impression. During the summer months, we all tend

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