large dead spot in a strip of green grass

Is your lawn patchy and overrun with weeds and dead spots? It might be time to consider starting over. Lawns that are over 20 years old will naturally start to thin, but even an old lawn can continue to thrive with proper care and overseeding. Conversely, mismanagement can cause irreparable damage over time, and many

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Did you know that some of the weeds growing in your yard have medicinal properties, and some are edible? If you’re lost in the woods, that knowledge might come in handy, but most of us are probably more interested in learning how to get rid of the weeds. Whether you’re planning an escape to the

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If you’re tired of looking out your window at a dry and patchy lawn, follow the advice in this article to bring your lawn back to life this spring. This post will answer the following common questions about Utah lawns: When should I start watering my lawn in spring? When should I start mowing my

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ash tree

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is notorious for destroying forests of ash trees across much of the United States. Like other borer insects, they dig into tree trunks and feed on the inner layers. Unfortunately, they are also invasive to the US. This makes them even more difficult to control, which is why several states

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sunscald damage with a park in the background

Before planting trees in your yard, make sure you understand how to protect your tree from preventable, physical problems. Physical damage to your trees can be more detrimental than other types of damage because open wounds are prime targets for pest infestations and diseases. Healthy trees can usually fight off attacks from insects and diseases,

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catalpa tree closeup of leaves

It’s time to prune trees that have gone dormant for the winter! Pruning prevents damage to trees, helps shape tree growth, allows for better harvests, and keeps trees healthy. If you decide to prune your trees yourself, follow the tips below for a better, safer pruning experience. Benefits of Pruning Trees Pruning has many benefits:

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Whether or not you have a deciduous tree in your yard, you’re probably experiencing a lot of leaf clutter on the ground right now. Picking up fall leaves is a chore that many homeowners dislike, so we’ve compiled some tips to help your fall leaf maintenance go smoothly this year: Do fall clean-up regularly. Use

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piles of leaves on grass in fall with a rake in the background

During the fall, plants prepare for dormancy by shedding their leaves and storing energy in their roots. While it’s tempting to take a break from yard care during this time, you should instead be preparing for the winter season. Proper planning now will allow your yard to flourish in the spring. Refer to the following

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pouring grass seed into a spreader

Now that the summer months are drawing to a close, it might feel like time to slow down on lawn care. However, fall is an important time for your lawn’s health and growth. During this time, grass recovers from summer damage and stores energy in the root system for future growth. If your lawn is

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aphids on plant

Aphids are tiny insects that can multiply very quickly and wreak havoc on a garden. They target a variety of plants (rosebushes, dahlias, fruit trees, vegetables, etc.) and come back every year. If you cultivate a garden, chances are you’ve had problems with aphids in the past. While commercial control methods are often the most

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